The favorite community festival at The Fly Arts Center is calling for tree decorators and craft show vendors to help kick off the holiday season. We hope to make this year's event one of the best yet... But we need you!

Businesses, groups, nonprofit organizations and individuals are invited to decorate a holiday tree to put on display during the 28th Annual Festival of Trees.
There is no registration fee to submit a tree. Each tree will need to come with an extension cord.
UPDATE: We have filled all decorated tree spots.
Businesses, groups, nonprofit organizations and individuals are invited to apply to be a part of our Craft Show on Saturday, November 23, 2024.
Vendor spaces are limited to one 6ft rectangular table provided by The Fly Arts Center. Additional table space may be purchased, if space is available.
The sale of arts, crafts, homemade items and baked goods is preferred. You must have items for purchase. Gift certifications for local businesses may be sold.
$25 per table - Payment must be submitted in person at setup check-in.
If you are selling any food items, you must be following the TN Food Freedom Act that regulates such items. Appropriate labeling of your items will be required.
Friday, November 22, 2024 (11am to 7pm) or at 8am on Saturday, November 23, 2024
UPDATE: All vendor spots have been filled.
(Deadline to apply is November 1, 2024 at 5pm CST. Accepted applications will be confirmed no later than November 7, 2024 via email and/or phone.)
We need volunteers to help with a variety of duties, such as:
• Festival of Trees Committee Members (LeAnn Wenzel, Committee Chair)
• Craft Show Setup and Take Down
• Tree Setup and Take Down Assistants
• Tree Viewing Attendants
• The Fly Art Gallery Helpers
• Letters to Santa Helpers
• Kids Crafts Helpers
How does Festival of Trees work?
Decorated trees will be placed on display in the main room of The Fly Arts Center, located at 204 South Main St., Shelbyville, TN 37160. Setup of the trees will occur Monday, November 18, 2024 through Thursday, November 21, 2024 during the hours of 11am to 7pm.
Festival of Trees begins with a Craft Fair on Saturday, November 23, 20024, where local area artists and other vendors will offer a variety of unique crafts and gifts for purchase from 9am to 4pm. There is no charge to attend the Craft Fair or to view the trees. Vendor space is available for $25 per table.
Additional viewing of the trees by visitors will be available Monday through Thursday from 11am to 7pm and Saturdays from 2pm to 6pm until Thursday, December 19, 2024. Large groups may schedule an appointment to view the trees outside of these hours, if they choose by contacting LeAnn Wenzel at 812-236-3535.
Once on display, the public may vote for their favorite trees by dropping money into collection jars. One cent = one vote. All money collected will go to benefit The Fly Arts Center. The tree with the most votes will win our People's Choice Award.
A Grand Champion, a Reserved Grand Champion and a Champion award will be given to the three highest scoring trees ranked by our community judges.
The Fly Arts Center will provide a display table, a sign with the name of your group and your decorated tree's title, a voting collection jar and access to a power outlet. You will need to bring an extension cord for your tree.
What is the registration deadline and how do I sign up?
A registration form must be filled out and submitted no later than Friday, November 1, 2024 at 5pm CST.
What size tree can be submitted?
You may decorate and submit any size tree up to 10ft in height. You may provide your own tree or may choose to decorate a tree provided by The Fly Arts Center (a limited number of these trees are available, and will be assigned first come, first served).
What is the decoration theme and do trees need to follow the theme?
This year's theme is "Children's Books". Decorated trees must conform to the chosen theme. However, you choose how you wish to interpret that theme. It's up to you!
Do ornaments have to be handmade?
Tree ornaments may be handmade, if you choose. However, this is not a requirement.
Other Recommendations and Requirements:
We recommend that ornaments be wired onto trees to insure they do not accidentally fall off your tree or become damaged.
No food of any kind is allowed on your tree or on your display table. This includes candy dishes.
No candles may be used to decorate the trees.